Kochadaiyaan mobiles will have exclusive screensavers and images from the film along with the trailer and the signature tune. And they will also have Rajinikanth's signature on them. These special Kochadaiyaan mobiles will be released in September/October during the audio launch of the film.
The range is expected to include some feature phones from Karbonn Mobiles as well as the recently launched Karbonn Smarttab 1 and Karbonn smartphones. However, these will be modified with content and cosmetic changes to give an exclusive look and feel. Both the companies are still working on the details though, and things will get clearer in the days to come.
Kochadaiyaan is a hi-tech action adventure film, on the lines of James Camaron's Avatarand Spielberg's Tintin. The film will be released in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and English. Along with Rajini, the film stars Deepika Padukone, Jackie Shroff, Sharat Kumar, Nazzar, Shobana, Aadi, Rukmani and others.
The music release of the film is planned in Tokyo and multi city premieres of the film are being planned across Los Angeles, London and India. The film is scheduled to release towards the end of the year.
This is not the first time that a device is being made and sold to promote a movie. Recently Shahrukh Khan starrer RaOne also had a tablet released in its name, but it did not do well in terms of sales.
The Mobile Indian