Shares of the company Immucell Corportion (NASDAQ: ICCC) is trading 11% higher to $5.18 in early trade on thursday. Yesterday (wednesday) the shares was closed higher about 45 %. There is no any specific announcement about any latest happening. Bull's eyeing on the stock probably due to any pending development.
ImmuCell Corporation creates practical products that result in a measurable economic impact on animal health and productivity in the dairy and beef industries. Its lead product, First Defense, is manufactured from cows’ colostrum using its vaccine and milk protein purification technologies. The target disease, bovine enteritis (calf scours), causes diarrhea and dehydration in newborn calves and often leads to serious sickness and even death. First Defense is the USDA-licensed, orally delivered scours preventive product on the market for calves with claims against E. coli K99 and coronavirus (two causes of scours). First Defense provides bovine antibodies that newborn calves need but are unable to produce on their own.