Article - Europe Problem

With Europe on the brink of collapse, economies all over the world (and in the U.S.) could only be a few short weeks away from TOTAL MELTDOWN! 

The situation in Europe is so dire, French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently begged China for a handout. 

But even China's given up on Europe, saying "It is up to European countries to tackle their [own] financial problems." 

There's simply no way to avoid another financial crisis. 

It's not a matter of "if," but when... 

Recently on CNBC, veteran investor Jim Rogers said there's a "100% chance" this will happen.
I agree. In fact, I've never been more sure of anything in my life. 

But this doesn't mean it's time to panic... 

You see, every crisis has a hidden opportunity. 

And when Europe crashes -- starting with a Greek default -- a savvy, level-headed, select few could get rich. 

Three Times Bigger Than Subprime 

You see Greece isn't the only European country in trouble... 

Ireland and Portugal are on the brink of default too. 

The financial situation in Italy is so bad, Berlusconi was forced to end his 17-year reign as Prime Minister. He's been replaced by Mario Monti, a Goldman Sachs alumni. 

Spanish and French bond yields soared to record highs recently, which means they're getting more and more desperate for people to lend them money. 

And in Great Britain the government, business, bank and household debt is a staggering 497% of GDP (almost twice as much as in the US)! 

But it gets worse... 

Total American exposure to the unfolding European debt crisis could be as much as $4 TRILLION... that's THREE times bigger than subprime! 

So if you have money in the stock market, a 401K or other savings account, you must prepare for a European collapse right now. 

Customers of bankrupt broker MF Global are already out of pocket by an estimated $1.2 billion because of the Euro Crisis. 

But this is just the beginning... 

Ann Barnhardt said she recently closed her broker business, because... 

"MF Global is almost certainly the mere tip of the iceberg. There is massive industry-wide exposure to European sovereign junk debt... [These firms] are suicidally leveraged and will likely stand massive, unmeetable collateral calls in the coming days and weeks as Europe inevitably collapses." 

This is why I urge you to take action right now, while there's still time. The US economy is not insulated from the coming crisis. 

When Greece defaults, Europe and then America will quickly fall too. 

But you could protect your money and even profit from the coming chaos with a simple investment I'll share shortly. 

January 2012 Default Indicator #1: 

The Disgusting "Greek Bailout" SCAM! 

Greece should have defaulted a long time ago. The country has a mountain of debt, and no way to pay it back. 

So why do European leaders keep lending Greece money? 

Here's what Dan thinks... 

European governments aren't trying to save Greece, they're saving banks dumb enough to have "invested" in Greece! 

For proof, just take a look at where Greece's bailout money is going (and prepare to be disgusted)...
As you can see, the Greek government keeps just 19% of all the bailout money that's supposedly for Greece, everything else goes to "financials" and the ECB (European Central Bank). 

But why is 81% of Greek bailout money going to "financials," when the country has massive debt and expenses to pay? 

Because the Greek bailout is secretly ANOTHER bank bailout! 

But this is hardly surprising when you dig into the background of the bureaucrats most influential in the Greek bailout scam... 

Antonio Borges, was (until very recently) director of the International Monetary Fund's European department. 

This means for the last two years, he's been one of the most important people involved in giving Greece bailout money. 

Before this, he was a former Vice Chairman at Goldman Sachs... 

Is it possible he cares more about protecting banks profits than protecting the jobs and pensions of Greek citizens? 

Coincidentally, Mario Draghi, current President of the European Central Bank used to work at Goldman Sachs too. 

He actually worked there when the firm controversially helped Greece hide its debt through currency swaps! 

Though Draghi claims he "knew nothing" about this. 

Now at the ECB, he's more than DOUBLED the purchase of European sovereign debt... But because the ECB isn't allowed buy debt directly from governments, it's buying from banks holding the debt instead! 

In other words, it's bailing out banks that bought rotten sovereign debt. 

And finally there's new interim Prime Minister of Greece, Lucas Papademos... 

Before he was appointed Prime Minister, he was Vice President at the ECB, and before that, he worked for the Boston branch of the US Federal Reserve! 

The Federal Reserve was recently forced to admit that following the 2008 market meltdown, they lent "Too Big To Fail" banks a whopping $669 billion! 

Could "L-Pap's" long experience as a central banker be the reason why banks are getting most of Greece's bailout money? 

This might all sound like a big conspiracy theory, but the evidence is crystal clear... 

Dan thinks these three bureaucrats are keeping Greece afloat just long enough for their buddies in the banking industry to minimize their losses on sovereign debt before the beginning of the new fiscal year in January 2012. 

Just look how banks are frantically taking advantage of this rapidly closing window of opportunity...
France's biggest bank, BNP Paribas just sold European sovereign debt for an $812m LOSS! 

Germany's Commerzbank took a loss too as it cut exposure to Greek and other European bonds by 22%. 

And Barclays cut exposure to Greek and other European bonds by 31% in just three months.
The fact these big banks are willing to eat huge losses right now proves they are desperate to unload European government debt. 


Dan thinks it's because they know a Greek default is imminent, which would likely result in even bigger losses! 

Bottom-Line: The "Greek Bailout" is a SCAM. Most of the money is funneled back to the financial system, giving banks more time to reduce their sovereign debt exposure for the start of the new fiscal year in January 2012. 

By then, "Too Big To Fail" banks should have adequately prepared for the coming panic. Greece will be cutoff and default on its debt. Markets worldwide will plunge. 

And remember, with exposure THREE times bigger than subprime, the U.S. economy is NOT immune. 

So if you don't act now you risk total retirement annihilation. 

You also risk missing out on the potential to TRIPLE your money when Greece defaults in January 2012. 

Keep reading and I'll show you how to get your hands on Dan's new report that shows you step-by-step how to do this. 

But first, here's ANOTHER reason why a Greek default could be weeks away...
January 2012 Default Indicator #2:
Greece's $20 Billion Debt Bomb!
Even after having its debt slashed in half, Greece still owes creditors a massive $20 billion from November through January. 

To put this in perspective, that's a little less than THREE TIMES what the Greek government will "earn" in tax revenue in December and January. 

Take a look below... 

In the last week of December alone, they must pay a huge $8.9bn! 

Dan thinks Greece will fail to make one of these payments, causing a Greek default in January 2012!

Because Greece is already worse than flat broke! 

Despite unprecedented austerity cuts, the Greek government is STILLspending more than it's "making," so their $330 billion sovereign debt mountain just gets bigger and bigger!
But what about all the bailout money? 
The Economic Times recently reported "Greece needs 10 times more aid in January than it's trying to secure." 

The reason for such poor finances is a combination of idiotic socialist policies and rampant tax evasion.
This snippet from a Financial Times article hilariously highlights both of these problems, when recently "a shortage of ink had prevented the tax center at the [Greek] finance ministry from sending out claims to taxpayers..." 

You can't make this stuff up! 

Yet it gets even more bizarre... 

In a feeble attempt to convince creditors Greece is serious about paying off its debt, new interim Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has been appointed. 

But here's the delicious irony in giving "L-Pap" power... 

He's already had a key role in advising the Greek government on how to handle its finances for years...
And in 2001 he helped bring the Euro currency to Greece, claiming its benefits would be "numerous!"
One Greek newspaper correctly called him a "Carbon Copy of the Past!" 

"L-Pap" was like a moronic map-reader in the passenger seat, but now he's taking the steering wheel too! 

Will he crash his country's economy straight into a wall? 

Dan is 100% certain he will. 

Truth is "L-Pap's" appointment might buy more time but the facts behind Greece's fiscal nightmare haven't changed. And Dan doesn't expect the man with a key role in creating the problem can now solve it. 

Greece is now so desperate for money, the yield on a one year government bond has soared to 300%!
Simply put... 

If you loan the Greek government $10,000, it must -- despite an ever growing mountain of debt -- pay you back $40,000 within a year! 

Of course this is a fantasy! The Greek government would never be able to pay you back.
Bottom-line: Greece is out of money and out of time. It will fail to pay its $20bn debt bill from November through January causing a default.
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