A Story :"World is Relative"

World is Relative:
Story By Chirag Pandya.

As the defining term relativity, means everything is in context of something else. Here is some example that defines the term “World is Relative”

My colleague, Chirag Pandya, He is pursuing his MBA and a very good spiritual writer and speaker. He had experienced one very heart touching incident and try to correlate it with psychological views of the other persons. Story was very common to appear as an incident in any person’s life in either one or another way but the thought behind it might not appear in everyone’s mind !! “ World Is Relative “
“Yesterday, I experienced two very different but indeed very related incidents.

In the morning, I was purchasing some old magazines on some Book Store, near city area. Suddenly I heard quarrelling noise of two children. They are very poor as I can see from their clothes. Hardly. They have 2 pieces of clothes on their bodies. No shoes and even sleepers. They were fighting on the street, snatching each other like something to take out from one guy by another guy. When I observe them closely I saw both of them were bleeding, as nobody was around to appease them and ask what’s the problem. Usually, I never get in to this kind of situation, as other normal people do, but on that day somehow, I changed my way of thinking and rushed at those guys. I tried hard and finally I succeeded after 10 minutes to calm them and asked about the problem that made them fight so hard. I believed that it would be a very serious matter. When I found out the matter, I was stunned like spellbound for few seconds. They were fighting so much for the sake of two rupees. I felt like what a tragedy and what to tell those children. They sacrificed their good amount of blood for the sake of two rupees. OMG, what a great misery!

I gave five rupees to both of them. It was already noon and sun was also harassing me and I left with destabilized mind and painful heart but my mind doesn’t want to leave the situation. It was roaming roundabout the situation, as it was narrating real India Growth Story unlike we see in the headlines of News Medias creating a false hype. It was telling about India's social environment. It was telling how rich we Indian are ! It was telling what is the value of money. Two rupees are worthy enough to sacrifice good amount of blood(at least in India ). Really, India is developing!
I went home and tried to sleep to get re-stabilized.

On that day evening, I went out with my friend Nik to divert my mind and get back to routine life. We always go On Highway and find some quiet Tea Stall to sit there and chat for long. Nik has his own Car (Honda Civic) as his father is a businessman. We went to a Tea Stall where we spend most of our time. When we go there, we don’t need to order Tea or even snacks. Nik always give him a tip almost same as bill amount. On that day, Bill amount was 30 Rs and Nik gave him 50 Rs and said keep the change as he always does. When I pay the bill, I never use the words keep the change and get my change back as 20 Rs is big amount for me as a tip. Tea Stall Guy feels happier when Nik pays a bill because he gives him tip and I don’t. Suddenly, my mind went in a flashback and remmber the morning incident where 2 Rupees worth substantial amount of Blood and over here 20 Rs tip worth nothing like “ Keep the Change”.

On that night, I was constantly thinking about this two incidents the morning one where two children are fighting for two rupees and evening one where the guy doesn’t have a value of 20 Rs and giving it as a tip to Tea Stall Guy. It provoked my mind. The only question in my mind was “what is the value of money? “ For two children two rupees are worthy enough to quarrel. Two rupees are not worthy enough for me to quarrel but 20 rupees is big amount for me for a daily tip. But 20 rupees are not big amount for Nik for a daily tip but may be some amount is big for him. The question is “how much is enough to define big?” There is no single answer, It depends on Individual to individual. It is RELATIVE means “The World is Relative”.
Copyright Stockinvestips

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  1. what an example sited over here to explain the term.
    wish you very best for such articles.
    Keep Going DUDE..!

  2. waiting for the next release

  3. Check this guys http://www.stockinvestips.com/2011/05/india-inc-hikes-petrol-prices-by-rs-5.html

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